We wanted to add a modern day twist on the traditional Viking and Nordic fashions! (After all we’re trendsetters) That’s why we offer a great range of premium Nordic and Viking inspired Jewellery, Accessories and gifts for the modern aged viking lover. You can purchase our collections and items from our easy to use, secure online shop. We offer fast shipping on all orders, and free shipping when you spend £40 or more.
As an extended Viking family of artists, our collection of Norse clothing and fashion accessories will fuel your inner-Viking while preserving centuries-old traditions. (It goes beyond putting a symbol on a piece of metal).
As a modern, lifestyle brand, we fuse high-oquality, natural precious metals with old-fashioned hard work (and tireless craftsmanship) to deliver items that effortlessly reflect the raw Viking essence. Our collection is always evolving too so make you sure visit us again soon for more epic gifts.
We hope you enjoy our array of epic Viking inspired jewellery, accessories, bags and gifts as well as our unique website. If you need a hand with anything simply click on the contact us page.

Whilst the Vikings were renowned for their courage in battle, their bravery extended far beyond that - defending their principles and values to the point of sacrificing their lives on any platform.
Vikings exemplify integrity from sunrise to sunset, upholding their dignity regardless of the circumstances. We hold ourselves in high regard and fearlessly express our core values.
Vikings never deceive others or themselves. We have a firm grasp of what we stand for and why, living out our deepest truths in all aspects of our lives.
As Vikings, we remain loyal to all those in our lives - our family, friends, and fellow kindred spirits. We staunchly defend those we are devoted to, without exception.
When it comes to survival, Vikings rely solely on themselves. It is our responsibility to safeguard our loved ones, taking ownership of every action we undertake.
We treat others the way we desire to be treated, with respect, equity, dignity, and benevolence.
Vikings comprehend the significance of fighting for what is just while staying true to our identity. Though we may not always have a stable foundation, it is our duty to make the most of what we are given.
True glory lies not in never stumbling, but in falling and rising again. Vikings never surrender, even when faced with overwhelming odds.