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Norse Mythology Gods


Thor | The Thunderer the Viking god of thunder

Thanks to the success of the Marvel franchise [and the famous song by Kiss] most of us are now familiar with Thor, the Viking god of thunder [and rock’ n’ roll according to the Kiss song]. But how true is the modern pop culture...

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Fenrir | The Great Devourer

Norse mythology is full of fearsome beasts with the power to wreak havoc over the nine worlds of the Norse cosmos. One of the most important and dangerous among them is the mighty Norse wolf Fenrir. A beast of terrifying strength,...

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Hel | Ruler of the Underworld

Hel | Ruler of the Underworld

Hel, goddess of death, could there be a more fearsome being in the world of Norse mythology? But don’t be taken-in by the portrayal of the Norse goddess of death in the Marvel universe. While the Norse goddess was the ruler of the...

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Odin | The Allfather

Odin | The Allfather

While Thor might be the best-known of the Norse gods, Odin was the most important of the Viking deities. Called the “Allfather” in recognition of his role as the ruler of the Aesir gods, he was a complex being. He was the god of...

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Balder | The Shining One

Balder | The Shining One

Norse mythology is full of gods and goddesses with mysterious powers and fantastic tales. Of all the Viking gods recorded in Norse mythology, none is described as more beloved by both the gods and men as Balder. But who was, Balder, this most blessed among...

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Loki | The Trickster

Loki | “The Trickster”

Loki is often called the trickster god within Norse mythology. But in actual fact Loki was not one of the Aesir gods, and while his tricks often put the Norse gods in difficult situations, there are no surviving Norse stories of him playing...

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Jormungandr | The Serpent of Midgard

Jormungandr | The Serpent of Midgard

The world of Norse mythology is full of terrifying, adventurous and scary monsters, but perhaps none more so than Jormungandr, also known as the Midgard Serpent. Maybe it is his proximity to the world of men, dwelling in the ocean that surrounds Midgard (home...

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Freya | The Queen of Valkyries

Freya Norse Goddess | The Queen of Valkyries

Freya Norse Goddess. It seems like every mythology has a goddess of love and beauty, but the Norse goddess Freya was so much more than that, keep reading to find out why! Associated with love, sex, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death,...

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Njord God | Norse God Of The Sea |The Ruler of the Sea

Njord God. Check out Njords Abalone Shell Ring. We Vikings and as seafaring people, we would expect that the gods of the sea and the wind would be epic Indeed, Thor himself was, among other things, a god of storms and weather. But the...

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